Qatar to Experience Coldest Weather of the Season Starting January 2, 2025

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As the chilly winter season continues to make its presence felt in Qatar, the country is gearing up for a significant drop in temperatures. The Qatar Meteorology Department has announced that the third rising star of the winter season, Shola, will appear on January 2, 2025, marking the start of the coldest period of the season. This phase, which will last for 13 days, also marks the final days of the Al Mraba’aniya season.

What Is Shola?

Shola is a star that gets its name due to its resemblance to the tail of a scorpion. It is considered an important marker in Qatar’s traditional weather forecasting and is linked to the coldest part of the winter season. The appearance of Shola signals a significant dip in temperatures across the country, making it a noteworthy event for weather enthusiasts and residents alike.

What to Expect from the Weather?

According to the Qatar Meteorology Department, the weather during the period of Shola is expected to be the coldest of the season. As temperatures drop, the likelihood of fog formation increases, particularly in the early mornings and late nights. Fog can significantly reduce visibility, which might affect travel and outdoor activities, so it is essential for residents to take extra precautions when driving during this period.

Temperature Reports from January 2, 2025

On the first day of this period, early reports from the Qatar Meteorology Department show notable temperature variations. The Sudanthile station, located in the southern part of the country, recorded the lowest temperature of 9°C. Meanwhile, the capital city of Doha saw a relatively milder temperature of 16°C.

These temperatures reflect the significant shift that will continue over the next few days. It’s a stark reminder that while Qatar is known for its scorching summer heat, the winter months bring their own unique weather patterns.

Source: Qatar Meteorology Department

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